The setting is cool and great if you love sci-fi. It is very, very challenging, but with this challenge comes a real sense of accomplishment when you do finally win a battle. For those who love stealth and turn-based tactical shooter, this could be your dream game. Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden is the kind of game that you are either going to love or hate.

There are also some RPG style elements where you can use skill points to make your characters stronger and learn new abilities, but this is one area where the game does not really go all out in. If you felt that games like X-Com were too hard for you then this may not be the game for you. Of course, this style of gameplay is not for everyone and the punishing difficulty may put some people off very early in the game. You learn a little from each defeat and it drives you to win next time.

The thing with this is that it is not actually frustrating. You need to plan your attack well because as soon as you pull the trigger the game switches things up and it becomes a turn-based strategy game and it does not hold back! You better have a game plan for each battle because you will die and die a lot. The stealth gameplay is actually really solid and you can try and make enemies go in a certain direction so you can make your attack easier on yourself. You will need to sneak around and figure out the best way to start your attack. Let me start by saying this is one very, very hard game. The gameplay though is the real star of the game. The presentation is not bad at all, the post-apocalyptic wasteland looks good enough and you get a real sense that some serious stuff went down in this world. What is the Gameplay Like in Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden? These are two great characters and they are interesting enough that you actually care about them.

The standout characters are Dux who is half man half duck and Farrow who is half woman half fox.